Lilla Lin

The artist transcends conventional photography to enter a state of flow—the mental disposition a person experiences when deeply immersed in an activity. By forgoing the camera and projecting decaying plants onto photographic paper, Lilla Lin charts the fragile boundary between existence and oblivion.

Find Lilla Lin's project in Arxipelag Volume 1

Lilla Lin

Lilla Lin, born in 1997 in Wenzhou, China, is an art creator currently based in Shanghai. Her photographic works consistently revolve around the concept of “departure” and “construction” in various forms. She specializes in a darkroom approach combined with camera-less photography, exploring the relationship between the work and the creator, as well as the flow and breath during the creative process. Additionally, her perspective is greatly influenced by personal experiences, witnessing the dispersion and belonging of several generations of Wenzhou people in her family, while reflecting on the relationship between collective identity and self-exploitation in urban contexts. Through her exploration of self, she experiences leaving and continues to create, using universal imagery to investigate how individuals construct their identity in dispersion, attempting to explain the subtle relationship between the individual and the collective. Her works have been shortlisted for the Palm Photo Prize and have been exhibited in Shanghai, Amsterdam, LoosenART in Rome, and the 1014 Gallery in London