Sebastian Huber
Sebastian Huber dives into his nostalgia for childhood moments creating a universal story of joy and innocence.

Text by Sebastian Huber.
Forever here is a feeling of a deep sense of nostalgia and longing thinking back to my childhood during travels.
I spent one month in marseille researching for a project i wanted to do. This project led me to a place where I always passed, Anse de la Fausse Monnaie, a very lively swimming spot in Marseille. In my strolls i often thought about my childhood and my childhood friends and about the innocent joy I felt that time with them. Nowadays everyone of us has different jobs and other people they’re around with. I felt lonely, as I was alone in Marseille, so I called my mom if she could go through an old photography archive and send me old pictures of me and my friends and things we did back in the days. Nothing specific, only a few memories of that time! Hhe did that and I loved the simplicity of these moments. I was so grateful that she had captured those everyday moments. Just looking at those pictures lifted me up and gave me inspiration.
On the next day I went to Anse de la Fausse Monnaie and met Havard, who was there with his friends. I talked with him about my recent thoughts and asked him if I could take pictures of him and his friends to create a moment to remember when they are older. They all agreed and hopefully they look back to this time of innocent joy.

Sebastian Huber
Sebastian Huber is a young Munich based documentary and portrait photographer. His work is strongly centred around the belief that the magic of life lies in the little things and he creates these narratives through the use of his camera. This enables him to visually communicate his ideas and the topics he works with. His photography has an atmospheric character, which is a stylistic trope that is present throughout his personal and commissioned work.